Picu Urriellu - Asturies

Una de las mejores experiencias que se pueden vivir en el mundo de la escalada, y con Eskalamandra no te preocuparas por nada. Te recogeremos en el punto de encuentro, te guiaremos y ayudaremos en todo lo necesario para que completes con exito la actividad.

  Ascensión por la vía Rabadá -Navarro

   Nivel fácil - medio

Reserva Individual

¡Reserva tu plaza ahora!


¡Contrata ahora! (mínimo 2 personas)


Todo el materia necesario

Incluimos todo el material necesario: cascos, arneses, cuerdas, disipadores, ropa técnica... y siempre usamos material nuevo o semi nuevo.

2 noches en el refugio Urriellu

En el precio incluimos dos noches en el refugio de Urriellu, donde disfrutaremos de unas pucheradas espectaculares al pie del Naranjo.

¡10% de descuento en tu siguiente actividad!

Si vienes con nosotros al Naranjo no solo disfrutaras de una experiencia única, para rematar la faena te regalamos un 10% de descuento por persona en la contratación de tu próxima actividad que hagas con nosotros.

La Actividad

Rush Hills

Our lessons are available for both beginner and advanced levels. For beginners we have an introductory course as well as a full course.

Smokey Mountain

Most of the hotels and condominiums are just 5 to 10 minute walking distance from our center with a few situated right inside our center.

Lakeview Plains

To make your stay a seamless experience we have airport to and fro transfer facilities take care of allissues.

Condiciones de la Actividad

By choosing to build green, you aremaking an effort to reduce the burden on the environment and also add value to your home.
By choosing to build green, you aremaking an effort to reduce the burden on the environment and also add value to your home. StrusturePress provides you with the guidance and the tools that are necessary.
By choosing to build green, you aremaking an effort to reduce the burden on the environment and also add value to your home. StrusturePress provides you with the guidance and the tools that are necessary.
Surfing requires very strong legs which can come from swimming lessons. Swimming also increases a person’s endurance and stamina to paddle in water which constitutes over 50 percent of the surfing time.
Rush Park as an adventurous sport and recreational pastime first peaked in 1980s only to fall. However, with all sorts of advancement, the sport has suddenly caught the fancy of all those looking for unique adventure and fun.
Our lessons are available for both beginner and advanced levels. For beginners we have an introductory course as well as a full course The beginners’ introductory.
Rush Park as an adventurous sport and recreational pastime first peaked in 1980s only to fall. However, with all sorts of advancement, the sport has suddenly caught the fancy of all those looking for unique adventure and fun.
Our lessons are available for both beginner and advanced levels. For beginners we have an introductory course as well as a full course The beginners’ introductory.

Inscripción individual

Nuestra salida al Naranjo de Bulnes requiere un mínimo de 2 personas por cada monitor. Pero no te preocupes, si lo que deseas es ascender el Naranjo pero no tienes con quien déjanos tus datos. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible, y en cuanto otra persona reserve su plaza decidiremos entre todos cuales son las mejores fechas para relizar la actividad.



¡Contrata ahora! (mínimo 2 personas)


    Ascensión al Naranjo

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