/ day
Bastones de senderismo o trekking rígidos y divididos por tramos para una mayor facilidad en su trasporte, diseñados para toda clase de terrenos y condiciones climatológicas.
- Rosetas intercambiables de verano e invierno.
- Elaborados en aluminio, para darles una mayor resistencia y disminución considerable del peso.
1 day
2 days
3 days
extra day
You can collect the rented material in several different ways:
- Via store: in any of our collaborating stores, during opening and closing hours.
- In our offices on Sainz de Baranda Street 19, 7º Floor Letter C. (28009, Madrid).
- In our offices on Nogal Street 1 (28815, Serracines, Madrid).
- At your own home or at the address you indicate to us (This option carries an extra cost of €10, regardless of the number of products rented).
You can return the rented material to us in several different ways:
- Via store: in any of our collaborating stores, during opening and closing hours.
- In our offices on Sainz de Baranda Street 19, 7º Floor Letter C. (28009, Madrid).
- In our offices on Nogal Street 1 (28815, Serracines, Madrid).
- At your own home or at the address you indicate to us (This option carries an extra cost of €10, regardless of the number of products rented).
1- Check availability on our website:
Check the availability of the material you need from our website, in the rental section.
2- Provide your necessary personal information:
Name, last name, DAYS, full address and contact telephone number.
3- Make the payment using the chosen method:
You will have two options, or through PayPal (Pay directly with your bank card even if you don't have a PayPal account) or by direct bank transfer (You will have the details when choosing the payment method).
4- Material collection:
You can collect the rented material in several different ways:
- Via store: in any of our collaborating stores, during opening and closing hours.
- In our offices on Sainz de Baranda Street 19, 7º Floor Letter C. (28009, Madrid).
- In our offices on Nogal Street 1 (28815, Serracines, Madrid).
- At your own home or at the address you indicate to us (This option carries an extra cost of €10, regardless of the number of products rented).
5- Material delivery:
You can return the rented material to us in several different ways:
- Via store: in any of our collaborating stores, during opening and closing hours.
- In our offices on Sainz de Baranda Street 19, 7º Floor Letter C. (28009, Madrid).
- In our offices on Nogal Street 1 (28815, Serracines, Madrid).
- At your own home or at the address you indicate to us (This option carries an extra cost of €10, regardless of the number of products rented).
To be able to rent, It is essential to have current Spanish documentation, be of legal age and prove your respective residence in Spain.
ESKALAMANDRA reserves the right to deny the rental to any person who does not reliably and rigorously prove all their necessary personal data..
THE OWNER of the rental or lessee will be RESPONSIBLE for the rented material..
The material delivered is understood as DEPOSIT on a rental basis., the signatory committing to conserve and care for it scrupulously.
The CLIENT acknowledges and accepts that ESKALAMANDRA will not be responsible for:
- The client must CHECK THE MATERIAL when removing it, since when signing this contract, agrees with it, not serving as a basis for future claims in cases of breakage, losses or damages.
- In case of loss, theft or total or partial destruction of the material, The client agrees to pay the total amount according to the specific rate., What you can request before renting the material. In case of theft, will show ESKALAMANDRA the report of the fact before the competent authority.
- Reservations can be made for a maximum of 31 days in advance. When making the reservation, the full rental amount is paid. Cancellation of material reservation, although it has not been removed, involves the loss of 100% of the amount paid.
- Because of the causes of ESKAMANDRA, the material could not be used (examples: adverse weather conditions, station closure, course cancellation, personal issues, etc), You do not have the right to a refund of part or all of the rent., since ESKALAMANDRA is not responsible for these reasons.
- The delay in the return of the rented material, without prior notice, There will be an extra and automatic surcharge for the extra days. If advance notice is given, and in the event that said material is available, normal corresponding rate will apply.
- In case of returns prior to the contracted date, will not give the right to any type of refund of the amount paid.
- Use the rented material responsibly and appropriately, ensuring its integrity, proper functioning of the same and not exposing it to situations in which it could be damaged.
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Eskalamandra we are professional mountain guides, Graduates and with extensive experience in all the activities we offer.
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Eskalamandra we are professional mountain guides, Graduates and with extensive experience in all the activities we offer.
Come meet us, you will not regret!
the escalator 2024 | Jorge Lison Campos | CIF: 51128921J | MAYOR SAINZ DE BARANDA 19, 7C. 28009, MADRID